Sport and Media

About Yasin Patel

Yasin conducts all aspects of Criminal defence, White collar and fraud, International Appellate work, Regulatory and Sports Law both nationally and International, Commercial Law and many other areas.

In fraud and financial regulation, there is an abundance of expertise in national and International complex fraud, money laundering, commercial fraud and business crime.

In addition, the criminal defence work encompasses a CV full of work that includes murder and grave offences, sexual offences, human trafficking and human rights cases.

Experienced in all aspects of Sports Law with a wide range of clients. This ranges from Sports Professionals, governing bodies (national and international), professional teams and clubs, agents, journalists and broadcasters. Appeared regularly before national and international courts and tribunals.

Advisor and counsel to clients abroad in International Cases of MTIC, Carbon, Ponzi and other fraud cases including clients in Dubai and the Middle East, the US (‘million-dollar man’) and in Europe (‘Deutsche Bank’ fraud and other cases).

Has been advising and dealing with regulatory work including representation of Dentists, Pharmacists and other Medical Professionals.

Highly experienced in Inquests, Public Enquiries and Judicial Reviews as well as Civil Actions against the Police, highlight a practice that is multi-disciplinary and covering many aspects of Civil Work. Appears regularly before the Parole Board representing terrorists and those convicted of grave crimes.

Reported Cases include, R v Salman Butt (the former Pakistan Test Cricket Team Captain in the spot-fixing case), R v Yasir Ali (human trafficking, rape and grooming), R v Patel (multi-million pound Bosch fraud), R v Hassan (double-murder), R v Uddin (honour-killing case) and R v Yousaf (Metropolitan Police Officer involved in human trafficking).

For further information on Yasins Sport Law work please visit


Fraud and financial regulation

R v IK and Others – Operation Tarlac – Leading counsel for the main defendant in this multi-million pound International fraud to be tried in October 2016 in a conspiracy that resulted in world-wide money-laundering

R v Azhar and Others – Representation of the ‘second in command’ in the £130 million fraud reported throughout the Press

R v Arachchi and Others – Operation Susomo – Junior Counsel in a fraud conspiracy involving Forex Exchanges in and around London with International organistaions in the Middle East, Asia and Far East.

R v SPP and Others – Operation Perhaps – Representing one of the lead defendants in a mortgage conspiracy and money laundering case at Birmingham Crown Court involving millions of pounds

R v LN and Others – Operation Jibe – Tried at the Central Criminal Court and accused of assisting the main defendant in a mortgage fraud involving numerous financial institutions and banks amounting to millions of pounds

R v MY and Others – Operation Enderby – Junior counsel in a multi-million pound fraud and money-laundering case at the Central Criminal Court where the SFO offered No Evidence after 19 days of a trial

R v Salman Butt and Others – In this ‘spot-fixing case’ which was broadcast all over the world, was representing the Pakistan Cricket Team Captain in charges of conspiring to cheat and obtain financial advantage at Southwark Crown Court

R v SM and Others – ‘Bollywood Film Fraud’: a conspiracy to cheat HMRC by claiming rebates and VAT on Bollywood films that were never produced; one of the first film frauds to be tried in the UK, where HMRC lost millions of pounds

R v ZI – Charged with conspiracies regarding Money-laundering, VAT and phone frauds following multi-national investigations and charged with a number of International defendants.

R V MP – Held at Southwark Crown Court, the first trial under the Bribery Act 2010, in conspiracies linked to bribes taken by an employee of HMCTS

R v NP – Representation of defendant charged with a multi-million pound mortgage fraud

R v MR – Client charged with various fraud and copyright offences and linked to £63 million HMRC Fraud

R v JS – Conspiracies linked to Immigration fraud offences, false passports and documentation, tax evasion and benefit fraud on an International scale

R v SD – Heard at Southwark Crown Court, a conspiracy where the banking fraud involved employees of the bank being accused of withdrawing savings of clients who were deceased and transferring the money to international accounts abroad

R v SJ – Benefit fraud involving hundreds of thousands of pounds and multiple fraud identities around Maternity Benefits, Child Tax Credits, Child benefits and other benefits by the defendant on behalf of persons residing abroad

R v MM – Charged with several other defendants on a variety of fraud conspiracies associated with letting businesses and the letting of properties and money laundering offences

R v AM – A fraud committed against TFL totalling hundreds of thousands of pounds by using the refund scheme on Oyster cards and electronic refunds

v RC – Representation of one of the UK’s leading Aston-Martin dealers accused of defrauding Williams (F1) and causing them huge financial losses

R v Siddique – Fraud case involving laundering of money and proceeds through the ‘Havalla’ method

R v AAS – Multi-handed social security fraud involving 6 defendants and housing, council, social security and mortgage fraud.

Crime (Murder and Sexual Offences)

R v OH and Others – A brutal double-murder gang-killing in Leytonstone that was tried at the Central Criminal Court and involved a ‘cut-throat’ between two factions of defendants from the one gang

R v TU and Others – Junior counsel in a nationally broadcast and publicised honour killing case at St. Albans Crown Court where the defendants were charged with murder and the new Section 5 DVCDA

R v Yasir Ali and Others – Junior counsel in a nationally broadcast trial of numerous counts of rape, human trafficking and grooming in Peterborough and surrounding areas.

R v PK and Others – Murder of a young medical graduate battered to death with a cricket bat in an alleged gang related fight in South London

R v SA – Representation of the defendant tried and convicted in the Rachel Manning murder

R v Kabeer Yousaf and Others – Representation of a Metropolitan Police officer charged with multiple rapes, human trafficking, sexual assaults and perverting the course of justice.

R v HJ – An 86-year old charged with a number of historical sexual offences of rape and sexual assault of children

R v U – Cleric charged with multiple counts of rape and indecent assault upon young students

R v L – Man accused of raping a prostitute and causing serious injuries to her body.

R v P – Man with serious mental health deficiencies accused of raping young children

Crime (Violence and Dishonesty)

R v Warwick and Others – Junior counsel in multi-million pound drugs conspiracy trial and confiscation proceedings at Kingston Crown Court

R v Patel and Others – Junior counsel in a conspiracy involving theft of machinery involving BOSCH UK at Reading Crown Court

R v JW – Charged with several other defendants with a conspiracy to steal spanning 18 months and across the South East of England involving 100’s of offences

R v GJ – Representation before the Recorder of Southwark where an old lady was killed via the act of death by careless driving

R v SVD – Representation of a man charged in conspiracies involving kidnapping, blackmail, Section 18 offences and drugs supply at the Central Criminal Court

R v TH – Air-rage case, where the accused was arrested and charged following efforts to force open the plane doors and storm the flight deck

R v SX – A drugs conspiracy to supply Class A drugs in the Watford and surrounding areas from a gang alleged to have made millions of pounds from their actions.

R v SM – Tried for conspiracy to supply Class A at the Central Criminal Court, the defendants were alleged to be part of a gang who had conspired to Supply Class A across London

R v Eren – Successful representation of a man charged with section 18 offences and on a life licence

R v Bucknall – Armed Robbery conspiracy on an armoured vehicle by a prominent gang in the Midlands

R v VP – Representation of a man charged with armed robbery and featured on the BBC’s ‘Crimewatch’ programme

International Law and Cases Abroad

Prosecution v KSK – Tried in Frankfurt, advised and represented the client charged as one of the leaders of a conspiracy involving a number of defendants and forming a multi-million Euros MTIC and VAT Fraud

Prosecution v SB – Carbon Credit Fraud and Phone Fraud charges and allegation against a defendant in Munich involving tax evasion of over 12 million Euros.

Prosecution v SA – Dubbed the ‘Million dollar man’, representation included the fighting of his extradition from the USA to Europe and then the defence in various charges of VAT Fraud, Carbon Credit Fraud, Money Laundering and other offences totalling over 100 million Euros and many companies

Prosecution V IAP – Charges varying from MTIC and Carbon Credit Fraud and also tax evasion and linked to one of the biggest Carbon Credit Frauds in Frankfurt

Prosecution v AV – MTIC Fraud matters covering a whole European Network and specifically linked with emissions fraud in Poland

Worked for Reprieve 2003/2004 to today in representing inmates on Death Row and facing the Death penalty in Louisiana, Texas, Mississippi and Florida

Advising clients in Caribbean Death Row cases

Advising clients in Pakistan who are sentenced to the Death Penalty


 R V LA – Representation of leading client charged with terrorism and drug related offences in the United Kingdom and the United States

R v AM – Parole Board Hearing, representing client convicted of terrorism offences.

R v OB – Representation of prisoner before Parole Board hearing convicted of terrorism offences and recalled to prison

R v M – Terrorism matter charged under new legislation

Produced leaflets on the Terrorism Act outlining new Police Rights for Stop and Search and questioning of suspects and working with Newham Monitoring Project and various solicitors around terrorism arrests and raids and current legal actions

Extradition and Mutual Legal Assistance

R v SB – Extradition Proceedings sought by GDR: defence of Extradition on Article 8 Human Rights Grounds and also Legal Submissions on Article 2 Grounds

R v KSK – Involving a warrant issued by the GDR and arguments against extradition of client accused of being the ‘mastermind’ behind a multi-million-pound VAT Fraud. Defence based upon Article 8 of the ECHR and the validity of the arrest warrant

R v RK – Extradition proceedings relating to various Category 2 states demanding extradition of a defendant charged with grave crimes

R v IP – Extradition was requested by the GDR following the issuing of an EAW in relation to fraud allegations. Human Rights defences were submitted and argued all the way to the High Court

R v B – Application by Turkish state to have Kurdish refugees extradited: Human Rights based opposition led to the application being refused.

R v Wu – Application to have a Chinese political dissident extradited to China

Sports Law

 ICC v Salman Butt – Representation of the Former Pakistan Cricket Captain at the International Cricket Council Tribunal Hearing in Doha, Qatar, and at the Appeal at the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), in Lausanne

BCB v Mohammed Ashraful – Representation in proceedings before CAS and in hearings before an Independent Tribunal in Bangladesh on offences of match-fixing in the BCB with evidence of fixing in test matches and One-Day Internationals.

BCB v Darren Stevens – English cricketer represented in proceedings of numerous individuals of various fixing offences in the Bangladesh Premier League

ECB v Mervyn Westfield – Successful Appeal of a young English cricketer before the EWCB Independent Tribunal Appeal

CSA v GB – Advising of International Cricketer charged with match-fixing offences

ICC v RB – Representation of an International cricketer investigated by the ICC for Breaching the Code on corruption

ICC v OS – Representation of an International cricketer investigated by the ICC for match-fixing

WWA v OA – Successful representation of wrestler charged with offences linked to steroids and enhancement drugs

LTA v Stoute – Dispute between the Lawn Tennis Association and a young black tennis player: instructed by the CAS to represent Mr Stoute

R v I – County cricketer represented in front of County Tribunal Hearing

Essex FA v Bari FC – Representation of Football Club and individual players charged by the FA.

As well as representation, advice has been provided to Sports Leagues Committees, teams and individuals in relation to a plethora of subjects including drugs and misconduct issues

Speaker at International Sports law conferences involving topics such as corruption, drugs use, betting and corporate governance

Adviser and trainer at Professional sports clubs and bodies including rugby, cricket, football and martial arts.

Commercial Law

SC v CF – Representation of shareholders in a company dispute of foreign exchange houses and which involved trading of millions of pounds.

BM v BB – Company Law matter involving representation of a company alleged to have been involved in a fraud worth hundreds of thousands of pounds.

RB v X – Advice and representation in relation to a professional contract and the rights of the player being allowed to sign up to individual advertising contracts as opposed to exclusivity to the teams main sponsor

CF v HSBC – Advice on actions taken by International banks in closing small business FX accounts and the legality of the closures and the validity of the closures against the Monopolies Commission recommendations

Re KO – Advising an international company on their franchise agreements and the national and international changes required due to new EU and International legislation

Regulatory and Disciplinary

GDC v R – Representation of a dentist alleged to have caused permanent damage to a patient in relation to treatment of sporting injuries

ICSL v X – Representation of professional students excluded from the institution and excluded from legal societies due to cheating

GPhC v P – A pharmacist accused of breaching GPC rules in relation to ethics, standards and professional code for prescriptions

Restraint & Proceeds of Crime Act

 R v Lord Edward Davenport – Restraint and Confiscation proceedings in relation to the Mr Davenport and the selling of capital assets (old Sierra Leone High Commission Building and other property) to pay the confiscation order of over £25 million. The profits from the sales were deemed to belong to Mr Davenport

R v Cann – Confiscation Proceedings where Crown’s Argument that defendant had benefitted by over £500,000 reduced to a £4,000 Order at the final hearing

R v AA – Representation of an ex-Solicitor in Confiscation Proceedings following his conviction for Financial related matters

R v Hart – Fraud proceedings that involved confiscation relating to both pre and post POCA. Matter involved High Court Hearings and Appeals

R v A – Multi-defendant matter where defendants were charged with money-laundering from High Street Banks

R v SA – Confiscation Proceedings in relation to money laundering of sums through Post Office accounts and Postal Orders

Appeal and High Court

R v Uddin – Leave has just been granted by the Court of Appeal in this case where the key question the Court will have to determine and establish is, ‘what is a ‘vulnerable witness’? This may be the lead case in this contentious area.

R v Yasir Ali – Junior Counsel in the leading authority on human trafficking, grooming and rape sentences for like offences

R v KSK – Appeal to the High Court in relation to extradition proceedings and the order to extradite the defendant by the City of Westminster Magistrates Court

R v SB – High Court Appeal against the City of Westminster Magistrates Court decision to extradite the client. It was submitted that Article 8 of the ECHR had been breached as well as Section 2 of the EAW

R v IP – Appeal of Extradition to the High Court based upon the breach of the Rights to the Family as per the ECHR

R v NP – Successful Court of Appeal Hearing where default sentence for a £2million + matter was reduced by a third.

R v Puszczewicz – High Court Appeal against Extradition on the Basis of an Unfair Hearing and Ill-Health

R v Young – Appeal of a sentence where the young man was sentenced in relation to riot-related offences

R v C – Successful Appeal and overturning of an unlawful sentence

R v Reid – Appeal in the case of a woman convicted of smuggling Class A into a Prison Establishment

R v McQuieson – Application to the High Court for a Certificate of Inadequacy

Public, Administrative, Human Rights and Prison Law

R v A – A Judicial Review of the Parole Board and Prison Service regarding the recall and lack of education and training to a recalled prisoner

R v A – A Judicial Review of detention of a foreign national held in custody despite the expiry of his custodial term

R v W – Judicial Review of a prisoner incarcerated beyond his minimum time tariff due to the lack of courses in the Prison Establishment

R v Shaer – Various Human Rights arguments for a defendant prosecuted under the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2003, for protesting outside Parliament and other protesting activities

R v OB – Judicial Review of the rights to privacy and family life of a defendant whose personal and family details were being broadcasted and reported daily through the national press

R v M – Representation of Sri Lankan Tamils, protesting about the selling of arms to the Sri Lankan government and the subsequent killing of Tamils.

R v Mahroof and Others – Defendants charged with violent disorder offences and riot in Burnley and Oldham in 2001 and whose defence was defence of the community from Far Right racists

R v AM – Parole Board hearing, representing client convicted of terrorism offences

R v OB – Representing a prisoner before the Parole Board, convicted of terrorism offences and who was recalled for breaching licence conditions.

R v A – Representation of foreign nationals in parole proceedings who were sentenced to extended sentences

Lectured In-House in seminars and at solicitor’s offices on Parole Board hearings and adjudications

Represented prisoners on numerous adjudications and on applications for Parole. Also involved in a number of actions to judicially review Parole Board decisions

Inquests and Public Enquiries

 Adrian Longley – Reported Inquest of a prisoner whose suicide was partially blamed on the Prison authorities who removed his suicide watch to facilitate his transfer from one prison to another

Andrew Pountley – Death of a prisoner and Rule 39 order in relation to the availability of defibrillator’s in prison establishment

Andrew Palmer – Inquest that ordered the updating and minimal requirements of first aid equipment in prison establishment


Gujarati, Hindi, Urdu and Punjabi and Turkish